only pictured concerts listed. miscellaneous december 06th, 1999 : fontane-haus november 26th, 1999 : raumschiff zitrone "lemon space-ship", exciting place to play, because it's an old and very small cinema in 70s style. august-november 1999 : lambda-studio april 23rd, 1999 : junction bar march 19th, 1999 : knorre "...dissociation, I drank ten bottles of wine." (gutter here i am) february 12th, 1999 : niagara bar our best concerts in Berlin, because they were so loud and powerful. december 12th, 1998 : parkhaus november 06th, 1998 : café jo october 10th, 1998 : zosch october 10th, 1998 : breakfast club september 30th, 1998 : wild at heart july 31st, 1998 : j.w.d. july 31st, 1998 : j.w.d. backstage the strangest pictures we ever had taken. no we're not on drugs! july 24th, 1998 : anette's wohnzimmer public party in private rooms. Anette, our guitarists girlfriend, made her living room available to the band. thanks a lot! may 07th, 1998 : bad in hannover the band's first concert. we opened for And Also The Trees. we played in front of more than 200 people! |